If you’re currently on a waitlist or not stationed on a military installation, you could be eligible for our fee assistance program, Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood (MCCYN). MCCYN closes the gap between what families would pay for on-installation child care and what they would pay for care in their communities. This makes it easier for families to afford quality child care from local civilian providers. We’ll help you locate, select, and pay for civilian child care. MCCYN is available to Sponsors who are Navy Active Duty, Navy Reservists on Active Orders, or Navy Civilians who do not live near a DoD installation or are stationed at an installation that are identified as exceeding an average wait time of 45 days or more. The MCC Fee Assistance Management Program will determine fee assistance amounts for families that are eligible based on the current Navy fee policy and pay fee assistance amounts directly to the prospective child care provider who meets MCCYN eligibility requirements. To learn more about Navy MCCYN Fee Assistance, visit


Apply for fee assistance button


Child Care Centers

To meet MCCYN requirements, child care centers must be seeking accreditation through or be accredited by an approved national accreditation agency. Accredited programs have demontrated a commitment to high-quality early learning and are of comparable quality to the child care provided on the installation. To learn more about the approved accrediting agencies, or to search for accredited care, visit the links provided below.

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

National Accreditation Commission (NAC)

National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA)

Council on Accreditation (COA)

Cognia – NCA/SACS/NWAC (formerly AdvancED) 

Association for Christian Schools International (ACSI)

Association Montessori International (AMI)

American Montessori Society (AMS)

Middle States Association (MSA)

Accredited Professional Preschool Learning Environment (APPLE)

Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA)

Additionally, some states are participating in the MCCYN-PLUS Initiative, which expands eligibility to include community child care programs that are quality rated by their state Quality Rating and Improvement System.

Family Child Care

In order for family child care providers to meet MCCYN requirements, they must have achieved one of the high-quality credentials listed below:

National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) Accreditation

Child Development Associate (CDA) credential awarded by the Council for Professional Recognition

Associate’s degree or higher in Early Childhood Education or Child Development